Tagfaster Automatic Sheep Tag Applicator

Tagfaster Automatic Sheep Tag Applicator

(Excl. 20% tax)

The Rapid  Loading - Quicker Tagging Ear Tag Applicator Tool

The TagFaster applicator, made by Roxan, is quick and easy to load. Loading is intuitive because you can instantly feel that the tag strip are loaded correctly as they can’t be pulled out. If you need to remove them, tipping the little lever on the side of the gun releases the tag strip.

Automatic Release of Sheep Ear

When the tag is clicked together, there is no need to release your grip as the ear is released instantly, automatically. This reduces animal stress and the chance of ear damage.

Covered Tags

The patented tag ‘horn’ covers the tags to: keep the pins clean and stops the pins tangling in wool. This also allow you to place the tag accurately on the sheep's ear.

Clear Visibility

The neat design of TagFaster lets you see clearly where you are tagging the ear. Allows the tag to be set close to the head on both ears.

How to Use Tagfaster Effectively.

Roxan have produced a very good instructional video which shows a farmer in the Borders demonstrating the applicator while tagging Romney Cross lambs near Selkirk.